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Professional Networking Events

ISACA Wellington Networking Forum - 28 August 2020

28 August 2020
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
10 Customhouse Quay
Please note the altered format of this month's networking forum:

ISACA will hold the presentation in-person. Members are welcome to arrive at noon and either watch the IIA presentation on their portable device or, if available, displayed on screen at KPMG.

The lunch break will be from when the IIA NZ speaker finishes, to about 1:00pm, at which time the ISACA speaker will present.

Registration for in-person attendance is direct with ISACA.

There is a registration fee of $20 for all IIA NZ and ISACA members who attend in-person.

ISACA will send invoices or you are welcome to pay at the door.

Please email your in-person only registration to: presidentisacawellington@gmail.com no later than Tuesday 25 August 2020.

If we experience an increased lockdown before the event, ISACA will also present virtually.

ISACA Topic: Have you ever considered modelling?

We all know that information security provides us with a plethora of approaches, methodologies and techniques to develop models that express an Enterprise Security Architecture (ESA), risk posture and the decisions made. However, the modelling languages that are typically used to express those decisions are not widely understood by the stakeholders that have to use them. Have you ever presented an ArchiMate model to a business owner and seen the blank look on their face? It's because you're not speaking their language (i.e. the ArchiMate models may mean something to you, but they don't mean anything to them).

Presenter: Hugh Walcott, Director / Chief Technical Officer, StrataMap Ltd (New Zealand)

Hugh is co-founder and CTO of StrataMap, an online platform for enterprise architecture and system modelling used by the government, enterprises and cybersecurity service providers. Hugh started his career as an electronics engineer before moving to ICT via the start-up labs of Cambridge UK. Highlights include performing the first ever internet e-cash transaction in 1998 and lead architect on the world's largest real-time system (mega-city adaptive traffic management system). Hugh's current drive and focus it to help solve the world's most complex problems using system thinking and collaborative modelling approaches.

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