21 June 2022 | Online

Cyber Stream

Aidan Roberts and Jamie Bruin, Senior Security Consultants, Deloitte

Aidan Roberts and Jamie Bruin are senior security consultants from Deloitte Wellington. Between them they have experience supporting some of New Zealand’s largest public and private organisations. Deloitte operates as one of New Zealand’s largest consultancies with 45+ security specific professionals in NZ and over 6000 security consultants across the APAC region.

The work we do includes operational security support helping to operate technology and keep organisations safe. Architecture and security reviews to help originations builder safer systems. Uplifts in policies, awareness to help organisations educate both NZ staff and the NZ public in secure practices and finally our security incident response services helping customers to recover and respond.

Both members of the Cyber Incident Response team, Aidan and Jamie have helped organisations respond to incidents ranging from smaller more common incidents, to more significant, high-stakes incidents. When performing Incident Response, the focus isn’t purely on digital forensics, but also on working with the business to assist them with their Crisis Management and understanding the answers that are of most importance to an organisation.

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