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Welcome to the Institute of Internal Auditors New Zealand, the professional body for internal auditing

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What is internal audit?

Internal audit is a dynamic profession that provides independent assurance that an organisation's risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively Essentially, Internal Auditors help organisations to succeed.

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Join our professional community and access a range of local and international benefits to expand your thinking, knowledge and networks.

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Connect with other internal audit, risk and assurance professionals and grow your knowledge and skills with a range of online and local events.

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About Us

The Institute of Internal Auditors New Zealand (IIA NZ) is a member-led organisation that draws on the skills and knowledge of our members in the private and public sectors across the country. We've been established in New Zealand since 1986.

We're affiliated with and draw on the professional practice Code of Ethics and standards, and extensive guidance and resources of the Institute of Internal Auditors Global and Institutes of Internal Auditors around the world.

Our Vision

Internal audit professionals are widely recognised, respected, trusted and valued as the leading providers of assurance and advice on risk management, internal control and governance for the benefit of organisations and their stakeholders.

Our Approach

  • We provide leadership, promote, advocate for and support best practice internal audit within our New Zealand context.
  • We provide insight into current trends, ideas and information about our diverse and dynamic profession here at home and overseas.
  • We create opportunities for members to increase their knowledge and advance their careers, through continuing professional education, certification and networking.

We are committed to achieving progress through sharing best practices and contributing to the global development of our profession.

Our underlying values are

  • Integrity
  • Objectivity
  • Confidentiality
  • Competency

Our 2021 Annual Report details our strategic intentions and results. Among our activities we:

  • Uphold standards and promote quality improvement programmes and quality assurance reviews.
  • Advocate, promote and publicise the profession to industry professionals, universities, government, public and private sectors.
  • Contribute to the global profession with representation on international committees.
  • Bring internal auditors together to share their information and experiences.
  • Provide internal audit practitioners, executive management, boards of directors and audit committees with standards, guidance and information on internal auditing best practices.
  • Provide professional development activities and certification.

Strategic Plan

The IIA NZ strategic objectives build on past work and provides a clear focus to achieve our vision.

A key driver of these objectives is to gain universal recognition of internal auditing as a profession. Our guiding principles are to:

  • Focus on delivering value to members in everything we do
  • Represent the profession and promote its interests
  • Enhance the Internal Audit brand
  • Leverage technology to gain operational efficiency, effectiveness, and economy
  • Formalise strategic alliances with complementary organisations and work together to achieve mutually beneficial objectives
  • Remain closely aligned to IIA-Global
  • Operate according to appropriate values, ethical standards, and code of conduct
  • Attract and retain internal audit professionals.


You can download the IIA NZ Constitution, Rules and By-Laws here:

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